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take up residence造句

"take up residence"是什么意思  
  • Have practically taken up residence in the aviation mogul ' s home
  • And the few pounds that have recently taken up residence on my ass
  • And the few pounds that have recently taken up residence on my ass
  • . . . have practically taken up residence in the aviation mogul ' s home
  • David then took up residence in the fortress , and so it was called the city of david
  • Apply for a driving test within 3 months after the date of arrival in hong kong to take up residence
  • An application for entry to take up residence as a dependant may be favourably considered if
  • Many may have taken up residence in the mainland or may even have their usual residence there
  • Many could have taken up residence in the mainland . some might even have their usual residence there
  • First love may register in the blood with dizzying effect , but the love that endures takes up residence in the soul
  • It's difficult to see take up residence in a sentence. 用take up residence造句挺难的
  • First love may register in the blood with dizzying effect , but the love that endures take up residence in the soul
  • In 1998 , a coalition of two new males had fought off their older rivals and taken up residence with the marsh females
  • First love may regist ? in the blood with dizzing effect , but the love that endures ? takes up residence in the poul
  • " taken up residence " is defined as having resided in the mainland for three months or more during the six months before enumeration
  • If i have authorisation for residence in portugal can i take up residence or work in any other member state of the european union
  • " in other words , the new seven - year residence rule will only apply to those who have yet to take up residence in hong kong , " he said
  • In the survey , all household heads were asked whether their entire households intended to take up residence in the mainland in the next ten years
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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